
/* eslint-disable no-useless-constructor */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
import { context } from '../context.js'
import { GVCartesian, GVCoordinates } from './coordinates.js'
import { aleaName } from '../outilsMathjs.js'
import { dot, round, cross } from 'mathjs'
import { latexParCoordonnees, latexParPoint, tracePoint, point, labelPoint } from '../2d.js'
import { circularPermutation, getDimensions } from './outils.js'
  * @class
  * @classdesc Graphic object like Point, Line, Segment etc.
export class GVGraphicObject {
  visible /** boolean */
  _name /** string */
  color /** string */ = 'black'
  constructor () {
    this.visible = false = ''

  aleaName ( /** (string | GVGraphicObject)[] */) { = aleaName( => {
      if (x instanceof GVGraphicObject) {
      } else {
        return x
    }), name.length).join('')

  set name (newname) {
    this._name = newname

  get name () { return this._name }
  getGGB () {

    * Move this right to figures
    * @param figures
  moveRight (...figures/** GVGraphicObject[] */) {
    const [xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1] = getDimensions(this)
    const [xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2] = getDimensions(...figures)
    const P1 = new GVPoint(xmin1, ymin1)
    const P2 = new GVPoint(xmax2, ymax2)
    const t = new GVVector(P1, P2)
    this.move(t.add(new GVVector(4, 0)).sub(new GVVector(0, (ymax2 - ymin2 + ymax1 - ymin1) / 2)))

  move (V /** GVVctor */) {
    if (this instanceof GVPoint) {
      this.x = this.add(V).x
      this.y = this.add(V).y
    } else if (this instanceof GVPolygon) {
      for (const P of this.vertices) {
        P.x = P.add(V).x
        P.y = P.add(V).y
  * @class
  * @classdesc Caracteristics of a point in an euclidean plan
export class GVPoint extends GVGraphicObject {
  coordinates /** GVCoordinates */
  polarCoordinates /** GVPolar */
  cartesianCoordinates /** GVCartesian */
  type /** string */
  x /** number */
  y /** number */
  r /** number */
  theta /** number */
  ggb /** string */
  dot /** any */
  labelPoints /** [GVPoint, GVPoint, GVPoint] */
  label /** boolean */ = false
  M2D /** any */
  constructor (arg1/** GVCoordinates | number */, arg2 /** number */ = 0) {
    if (arg1 instanceof GVCoordinates) {
      this.coordinates = arg1
    } else {
      this.coordinates = new GVCartesian(arg1, arg2)
    this.polarCoordinates = this.getPolarCoordinates()
    this.cartesianCoordinates = this.getCartesianCoordinates() = ''
    this.type = 'Point'
    this.x = this.cartesianCoordinates.x
    this.y = this.cartesianCoordinates.y
    this.r = this.polarCoordinates.r
    this.theta = this.polarCoordinates.theta
    this.ggb = `${} = (${this.x},${this.y})`
    this.M2D = point(this.x, this.y, '', 'above right')

  getPolarCoordinates ()/** GVCartesian */ {
    return this.coordinates.getPolarCoordinates()

  getCartesianCoordinates () {
    return this.coordinates.getCartesianCoordinates()

  xSVG = function (coeff) {
    return round(this.x * coeff, 3)

  ySVG = function (coeff) {
    return -round(this.y * coeff, 3)

  getRotate (O /** GVPoint */, angle /** number */) {
    return new GVPoint(
      new GVCartesian(
        (this.x - O.x) * Math.cos(angle) - (this.y - O.y) * Math.sin(angle) + O.x,
        (this.x - O.x) * Math.sin(angle) + (this.y - O.y) * Math.cos(angle) + O.y

  add (X /** GVVctor | GVPoint */) /** GVPoint */ {
    return new GVPoint(new GVCartesian(this.x + X.x, this.y + X.y))

  sub (X /** GVVctor | GVPoint */) /** GVPoint */ {
    return new GVPoint(new GVCartesian(this.x - X.x, this.y - X.y))

  multiply (k /** number */) /** GVPoint */ {
    return new GVPoint(new GVCartesian(this.x * k, this.y * k))

  divide (k /** number */) /** GVPoint */ {
    return new GVPoint(new GVCartesian(this.x / k, this.y / k))

  getBarycentriqueCoords (A /** GVPoint */, B /** GVPoint */, C /** GVPoint */) /** number[] */ {
    const a /** number */ = determinant(B.sub(this), C.sub(this))
    const b /** number */ = determinant(C.sub(this), A.sub(this))
    const c /** number */ = determinant(A.sub(this), B.sub(this))
    return [a, b, c]

  isInTriangle (A /** GVPoint */, B /** GVPoint */, C /** GVPoint */) /** boolean */ {
    return Math.min(...this.getBarycentriqueCoords(A, B, C)) > 0 || Math.max(...this.getBarycentriqueCoords(A, B, C)) < 0

    * Get the symétric of P with this
    * @param P
    * @returns {GVPoint}
  getSymetric (P /** GVPoint */) /** GVPoint */ {
    return barycentre([this, P], [2, -1])

  getHomothetic (O /** GVPoint */, k /** number */) {
    return new GVPoint(
      new GVCartesian(
        k * this.x + (1 - k) * O.x,
        k * this.y + (1 - k) * O.y

  getVector () {
    return new GVVector(this.x, this.y)

  getGGB () {
    this.ggb = `${} = (${this.x},${this.y})`
    return `${} = (${this.x},${this.y})`

  showName (scaleppc /** number */ = 1) /** string */ {
    let label /** any */
    const splitname ='_')
    let nameFormat = splitname.length === 1 ? splitname[0] : `${splitname[0]}_{${splitname[1]}}`
    if (this.labelPoints !== undefined) {
      const P1 = this.labelPoints[0]
      const P3 = this.labelPoints[2]
      const S = this.labelPoints[1]
      const v1 = P1.sub(S).getVector().getNormed()
      const v3 = P3.sub(S).getVector().getNormed()
      const corr = new GVVector(0, -0.3 * scaleppc)
      let P /** GVPoint */
      if (v1.colinear(v3)) { // Colinéaires
        P = S.add(v1.getNormal().multiply(scaleppc * 0.4)).add(corr)
      } else { // Non colinéaires
        P = S.getSymetric(S.add(v1.add(v3).getNormed().multiply(scaleppc * 0.4))).add(corr)
      if (context.isHtml) {
        label = latexParCoordonnees(nameFormat, P.x, P.y)
      } else {
        nameFormat = `$${nameFormat}$`
        label = labelPoint(point(P.x, P.y, nameFormat, 'above'))
      this.labelPoints = [P1, S, P3]
    } else {
      if (context.isHtml) {
        label = latexParCoordonnees(nameFormat, this.x, this.y + 0.2 * scaleppc)
      } else {
        nameFormat = `$${nameFormat}$`
        label = labelPoint(point(this.x, this.y, nameFormat, 'above'))
    this.label = true
    return label

  showDot () {
    const splitname ='_')
    let nameFormat = splitname.length === 1 ? splitname[0] : `${splitname[0]}_{${splitname[1]}}`
    if (context.isHtml) nameFormat = `$${nameFormat}$` = tracePoint(point(this.x, this.y, nameFormat, 'above'))
    return this

  set name (newname) {
    this._name = newname
    this.ggb = `${} = (${this.x},${this.y})`

  get name () { return this._name }
export class GVVector {
  x /** number */ = 0
  y /** number */ = 0
  norme /** number */
  constructor (arg1 /** number | GVPoint */, arg2 /** number | GVPoint */) {
    if (typeof arg1 === 'number' && typeof arg2 === 'number') {
      this.x = arg1
      this.y = arg2
    } else if (arg1 instanceof GVPoint && arg2 instanceof GVPoint) {
      this.x = arg2.x - arg1.x
      this.y = arg2.y - arg1.y
    this.norme = Math.sqrt(this.x ** 2 + this.y ** 2)

  getNormed () {
    const xy = Math.sqrt(this.x ** 2 + this.y ** 2)
    return new GVVector(this.x / xy, this.y / xy)

  getNormal () /** GVVctor */ {
    return new GVVector(-this.y, this.x)

  add (X /** GVVctor | GVPoint */) /** GVVctor */ {
    return new GVVector(this.x + X.x, this.y + X.y)

  sub (X /** GVVctor | GVPoint */) /** GVVctor */ {
    return new GVVector(this.x - X.x, this.y - X.y)

  multiply (k /** number */) /** GVVctor */ {
    return new GVVector(this.x * k, this.y * k)

  neg () /** GVVctor */ {
    return new GVVector(-this.x, -this.y)

  dot (X /** GVVctor | GVPoint */) /** number */ {
    return dot([this.x, this.y], [X.x, X.y])

  cross (X /** GVVctor | GVPoint */)/** MathArray | Matrix */ {
    const Cross = cross([this.x, this.y, 0], [X.x, X.y, 0])
    return Cross

  colinear (V /** GVVctor */) /** boolean */ {
    return parseFloat(cross([this.x, this.y, 0], [V.x, V.y, 0])[2].toFixed(15)) === 0
    * @class
    * @classdesc Caracteristics of a line in an euclidean plan (ax+by=c)
export class GVLine extends GVGraphicObject {
  direction /** GVVctor */
  A /** GVPoint */
  B /** GVPoint */
  type /** string */
  a /** number */ = 0
  b /** number */ = 0
  c /** number */ = 0
  ggb /** string */
  // Une droite sera définie par deux points distincts ou un point et une direction
  // Il faudrait deux constructeurs ?
  constructor (A /** GVPoint */, B /** GVPoint | GVVector */) {
    this.direction = B instanceof GVVector ? B : new GVVector(B.x - A.x, B.y - A.y)
    this.A = A
    this.B = B instanceof GVPoint ? B : new GVPoint(new GVCartesian(A.x + B.x, A.y + B.y))
    this.type = 'Line'
    this.ggb = `${}: ${this.a}*x+${this.b}*y=${this.c})`

  getYPoint (x /** number */) {
    return this.b === 0 ? undefined : (this.c - this.a * x) / this.b

  getXPoint (y /** number */) {
    return this.a === 0 ? undefined : (this.c - this.b * y) / this.a

  getEquation () {
    const directionUnit = this.direction.getNormed()
    this.a = -directionUnit.y
    this.b = directionUnit.x
    this.c = this.a * this.A.x + this.b * this.A.y

  getIntersect (L/** GVLine */) /** GVPoint */ {
    const delta = L.a * this.b - this.a * L.b
    if (delta.toFixed(15) !== '0') {
      const deltax = -(L.b * this.c - this.b * L.c)
      const deltay = L.a * this.c - this.a * L.c
      const point = new GVPoint(new GVCartesian(deltax / delta, deltay / delta))
      return point

  getPerpendicularLine (P /** GVPoint */) {
    return new GVLine(P, this.direction.getNormal())

    * Get the symétric of P with this
    * @param P
    * @returns {GVPoint}
  getSymetric (P /** GVPoint */) /** GVPoint */ {
    return barycentre([this.getIntersect(this.getPerpendicularLine(P)), P], [2, -1])

  set name (newname) {
    this._name = newname
    this.ggb = `${}: ${this.a}*x+${this.b}*y=${this.c})`

  get name () { return this._name }
export function determinant (X /** GVVctor | GVPoint */, Y /** GVVctor | GVPoint */) /** number */ {
  return X.x * Y.y - X.y * Y.x
export function barycentre (P /** GVPoint[] */, a /** number[] */) /** GVPoint */ {
  const pointsPonderes =, i) => x.multiply(a[i]))
  return pointsPonderes.reduce((accumulator, curr) => accumulator.add(curr)).divide(a.reduce((accumulator, curr) => accumulator + curr))
    * @class
    * @classdesc Caracteristics of a segment in an euclidean plan
export class GVSegment extends GVLine {
  label /** boolean */
  text /** string */ = ''
  textColor /** string */ = 'black'
  direct /** boolean */ = true
  constructor (A /** GVPoint */, B /** GVPoint */) {
    super(A, B)
    this.type = 'Segment'
    this.A = A
    this.B = B
    this.aleaName(this.A, this.B)

  showLabel (scaleppc /** number */ = 1) {
    let label /** any */
    const P = new GVPoint((this.A.x + this.B.x) / 2, (this.A.y + this.B.y) / 2)
    if (context.isHtml) {
      label = latexParPoint(, point(P.x, P.y, '', 'center'), 'black', 50, 8, '')
      // LatexParCoordonnees(texte, x, y, color, largeur, hauteur, colorBackground, tailleCaracteres)
    } else {
      label = latexParPoint(, point(P.x, P.y, '', 'center'), 'black', 20, 8, '')
      // label = labelPoint(point(P.x, P.y, `$${}$`, 'center'))
    this.label = true
    return label
    * @class
    * @classdesc Caracteristics of a circle in an euclidean plan
export class GVCircle extends GVGraphicObject {
  A /** GVPoint */ // center
  B /** GVPoint | number */
  type /** string */
  a /** number */ = 0
  b /** number */ = 0
  r /** number */ = 0
  constructor (A /** GVPoint */, B /** GVPoint | number */) {
    this.type = 'Circle'
    this.A = A
    this.B = B instanceof GVPoint ? B : A
    this.r = B instanceof GVPoint ? Math.sqrt((A.x - B.x) ** 2 + (A.y - B.y) ** 2) : B

  getPoint (theta /** number */) /** GVPoint */ {
    return new GVPoint(
      new GVCartesian(
        this.A.x + this.r * Math.cos(theta),
        this.A.y + this.r * Math.sin(theta)
    * @class
    * @classdesc Caracteristics of an angle
export class GVAngle extends GVGraphicObject {
  A /** GVPoint */
  B /** GVPoint */
  C /** GVPoint */
  angle /** number */
  type /** string */
  direct /** boolean */
  vBA /** GVVctor */
  vBC /** GVVctor */
  right /** boolean */ = false
  fillColor /** string */ = 'none'
  fillOpacity /** number */ = 0.2
  rayon /** boolean */ = true
  constructor (A /** GVPoint */, B /** GVPoint */, C /** GVPoint */) {
    this.type = 'Angle'
    const vA = new GVVector(A.x, A.y)
    const vB = new GVVector(B.x, B.y)
    const vC = new GVVector(C.x, C.y)
    const vBA = vA.sub(vB).getNormed()
    const vBC = vC.sub(vB).getNormed()
    this.vBA = vBA
    this.vBC = vBC
    const cos = vBA.x * vBC.x + vBA.y * vBC.y
    this.angle = Math.acos(cos)
    this.A = B.add(vBA)
    this.B = B
    this.C = B.add(vBC) = cross([vBA.x, vBA.y, 0], [vBC.x, vBC.y, 0])[2] > 0

  scale (scale /** number */) {
    const vBA = this.vBA.multiply(scale)
    const vBC = this.vBC.multiply(scale)
    this.A = this.B.add(vBA)
    this.C = this.B.add(vBC)
    * @class
    * @classdesc Caracteristics of an angle
export class GVPolygon extends GVGraphicObject {
  showLabels /** boolean */ = true
  constructor (...args /** GVPoint[] */) {
    this.vertices /** GVPoint[] */= args = circularPermutation( =>'')

  getDimensions () {
    const listXPoint = => M.x)
    const listYPoint = => M.y)
    const xmin = Math.min(...listXPoint)
    const xmax = Math.max(...listXPoint)
    const ymin = Math.min(...listYPoint)
    const ymax = Math.max(...listYPoint)
    return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    * @class
    * @classdesc Caracteristics of a triangle
export class GVRectangle extends GVPolygon {
  longueur /** number */
  largeur /** number */
  ratio /** number */
  constructor (...args /** GVPoint[] */) {
    const [A, B, C, D] = args
    const dimensions = [Math.sqrt((A.x - B.x) ** 2 + (A.y - B.y) ** 2), Math.sqrt((C.x - B.x) ** 2 + (C.y - B.y) ** 2)].sort()
    this.largeur = dimensions[0]
    this.longueur = dimensions[1]
    this.ratio = this.longueur / this.largeur
    * @class
    * @classdesc Caracteristics of a triangle
export class GVTriangle extends GVPolygon {
  constructor (...args /** GVPoint[] */) {